Graphs of relativity

In an article that I recently published on this site looking at relativity and the 47 Philimore Gardens decision see I made a reference to graphs of relativity and the site to show the general shape of the relativity curve. I have noticed that the link did not appear in the article properly and so it is posted again …

What constitutes a reasonable offer?

The case of Westbrook Dolphin Square (see  is a long decision of the High Court and has been appealed by the landlord on what might be termed the ‘policy point’ – i.e the question of whether the creation of a scheme that successfully avoids Section 5 of the 1993 Act actually offends public policy. We will have to see …

Is Tandon dead ?

This was the question posed by Philip Rainey QC in his case update at the 15th ALEP Conference at the Royal Institution on 21st October 2014. The case of Jewelcraft v Pressland (see does somewhat leave that question open. The facts of this case were very similar to Henley v Cohen (shop with flat above, no internal access). The landlord …

Where next for deferment rate?

The question of deferment rate is generally thought to be settled at around 5% following the decision in Voyvoda (see However, there was some interesting debate at the 15th ALEP Conference on 21st October 2014 between valuers on this point. Interestingly, long term market evidence could perhaps show much lower yields than the ‘lower’ rates applied in Sportelli, suggesting that …